author: Las Safin
- functional programming
- nix
- haskell
- rust
title: Las Safin
# About me
Type theorist.
Rolling my own crypto.
- E-mail: mdwuaidiuawhdiuhe`@`{=html};lajxujxujuxjujus.rs
- GitHub: [\@L-as](https://github.com/L-as)
- Matrix: [\@Las:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@Las:matrix.org)
# Posts
- [All you need is higher kinded types](/blog/all-you-need-is-hkt-s.html) - 2023-01-13
- [Using Haskell as my shell](/blog/haskell-as-shell.html) - 2021-07-23
- [vfork, close_range, and execve for launching processes in Procex](/blog/vfork_close_execve.html) - 2021-07-20
- [F2FS swap files broken and the arcane ritual to fix them](/blog/f2fs.html) - 2021-07-07
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